Multi-layer editing:
- Select a layer: the simplest way is to double click on the layer
on the image directly. In the case that the layer is hidden by other layers, you need to select
it from the list box of the Layer manager.
- Move the layer: select the current layer and click on the hand button of
the toolbar on the left side. Then you can drag the layer to destination
- Erase the layer: select the current layer and click on the eraser button
of the toolbar on the left side. Then you can erase the layer by drag
the mouse or left click. Note: you can apply unlimited undo for erasing.
- Add a layer: the new layer is generally added through paste, draw/fill
shapes, write text. In fact, every draw/fill action starting from mouse down
until mouse release are considered a new layer. This feature allows you the
flexible control over last action.
- Delete a layer: select the layer and click the "delete" button on the
layer manager.
- Move layer back/front: select the layer and click the up and
down buttons on the layer manager.
- Adjust layer property: there is a layer property control on the Layer
manager, you can modify the property as you wish. Most important property is
the Transparent color, with this advance feature you can adjust the layer
transparency. Along with that are the RGB tolerances. You can adjust those
property to get the perfect effect. You can create professional image with
these features. You can also hide the property by click on the property button
on the layer manager tool bar.
- Clone the layer on current image: simply click on the clone
button on the layer manager tool bar. The original layers are not deleted
automatically, you can delete them if you don't need them
- Copy the layer to Photobie global layer clipboard: simply
click on the copy button on the layer manager tool bar. The layer get copied
to the global clipboard which can be pasted to any image panel in Photobie.
- Paste the layer to current image: simply click on the paste
button on the layer manager toolbar, the previous copied image get paste.
- Set customized layer transparent color: most tricky feature,
if you want to set the layer transparent color to certain specific color that
isn't available from standard color palette, you use the color picker on the
left toolbar to pick up a color in the image and set the color label to that
color, then simply click on the import transparent color button on the layer
manager tool bar. Bingo!
Also there is global transparent color. When you create new layer by paste
non-rectangle shaped image area or draw/fill shape, the surrounding area are
filled with the global transparent color. You do have option to set different
global transparent color by click on the color button on the top toolbar.